NEW YORK — We got an early first look at the final moments of Grant’s season which begged the question, who would “The Bachelor’s” final pick, Litia or Juliana? Before we could get to that, we got an introduction to this last episode by host Jesse Palmer, live from Los Angeles. He said that there has never been a “Bachelor” that has been more torn in their final decision.
Litia Meets Grant’s Family
Litia was up first to meet Grant’s mom, dad, and sister. Grant said that he could picture her being his wife and as we know, he has already told her that he loves her. Grant said it was the first day in nearly a decade that his whole family had been together since his parents got divorced. Litia got a warm welcome from his family and they told his parents about their first dates and traveling to Spain and Scotland. Grant’s dad and sister told them that they looked cute together and thought they made a great-looking couple. His mother wanted to make sure that Litia was really in love with Grant and asked him what it was about him that she loved. Litia had a great answer. She said she loved how he was with her family and how conscientious he was in caring about everyone around him. Grant’s mom had great questions! She asked what it would look like in the real world with Grant. She told his mom that she would never expect Grant to move to her but she might like to live in a neutral place. His mother said that she’s so happy to see joy back in her son, especially after the hard time he had growing up and with his father’s issues with addiction. She asked Litia if she would definitely say “yes” to a proposal and Litia said “yes!” She found Litia to be genuine and said that she thought she would make a great daughter-in-law.
Grant’s dad talked about his divorce and how he wanted better for his son. Litia said that they both want to take pieces from their childhood and find their own new way of doing things. She did her best to assure him that she was ready to get married and have a family, and more importantly that she wanted that to be with Grant! Litia had great answers. His father felt that she would fight for their marriage and not give up on it. Grant shared his worries about Litia’s accelerated timeline with having kids. His dad told him that if he loved her enough, they’d figure it out. Grant said that he could get used to seeing Litia with his family!
Gina: I’m not sure that a family meeting could have gone better. Litia certainly impressed Grant’s family and that’s great. She also said that she’s never said “I love you” to anyone else before, so this is a huge, huge day for her!
Juliana Meets Grant’s Parents
Grant wants to make sure that Juliana is ready for love. In fact, she is actually worried that she might not let herself get there. She’s hoping that seeing him with his family and how she feels around them could ease her mind. Grant told his dad that Juliana’s dad and him would be tight and that he could see the two of them really getting along. She shared details about their date in Scotland and waltzing and his dad couldn’t believe his son waltzed! So cute! Grant’s mom thought that Juliana brought peace to Grant’s life.
Gina: As a fellow Italian, I LOVED that Grant’s dad was asking about making sauce on Sundays. He was so cute about it!
His mother asked Juliana what she had fallen in love with when it came to Grant. Juliana said that she got out of a bad relationship and she loved that she could have hard conversations with Grant and that he deeply understood her. His mom thinks that he seems deeply fulfilled and happy and doesn’t want to see him depressed again. She asked Juliana if she loved him. Juliana said that she hasn’t told him yet, but that she’s working on figuring it out. She said she could see herself being in love with him and spending eternity with him, but she isn’t sure if her heart can handle it just yet because there’s a chance it might not be her.
His mother told Grant what Juliana said. This was the walk-away line! She said if Juliana doesn’t tell you that she loves you, walk away from that.
Gina: Yep, that was the line we’ve been waiting to see and I totally get her point. She does not want her son to be hurt.
Grant’s dad talked about the excitement he felt in seeing his son light up. She asked him if Grant understood that he could be honest and ask for help from her when he needed it. Grant’s dad said that his son struggles with letting people in when it comes to that. Sometimes Grant asks for space and he doesn’t need it. He loved that Juliana was able to get Grant to speak about his feelings.
Grant spoke with his dad about how he appreciates how Juliana can crack through his feelings. “You are safe with her,” his dad said. “You have to figure out the rest.” Grant wants to know if Juliana loves him. Grant and his dad had a very emotional moment where he told his dad that he felt like he had a best friend. His dad then told him how proud he was of him. “I got you always,” Grant said. “You are my heart, man,” Grant’s dad said. “You are a gem. I love the man that you’ve become.” Wow. What a strong moment. Whatever happens, this is a lasting love.
Gina: I’m not crying, I’m not crying, I’m not crying… oh heck. I’m crying. This was a beautiful moment between Grant and his dad, a moment Grant has been waiting for and I’m so happy that it happened for him. It’s the breakthrough with his dad that he needed.
Then, Grant told Juliana that he loved her! Juliana said that it feels nerve-wracking to have someone else there, but despite that, she loves him! Meeting his family pushed it over the edge for her, and she said, “I want it to be you and I at the end of this. I love you too!” Oh boy, he has now told two women that he loves them. This is getting crazy.
Gina: I’m glad that she said it but wow, what a dilemma our Bachelor is in. By the way, I loved the audience member they showed on screen who looked to be cheering for Juliana to say she loved Grant!
Advice from Bachelor Nation
Back at the live show, Jesse Palmer said that Grant is officially in love with two women at the same time. “I feel like we’ve seen this movie before, haven’t we?” After the break, Jesse invited Charity, Clayton, and Gerry to the stage. Charity said that you have to decide and surrender to the process. Clayton was Jesse’s first season, and he mentioned that he told his final three that he loved all of them. It didn’t work out. And I think we all remember Gerry! He looks great! Gerry said that it’s a unique position and you never anticipate the deep, vulnerable feelings you experience.
We also got to see former “Golden Bachelorette” Joan and her pick Chock! She only told Chock that she loved him and she felt it was the right move for her to make because you can’t go backwards with your words. She didn’t want to break someone’s heart by having to basically take those words back.
Gina: I would have loved to see Ben Higgins up there as well. But that’s neither here nor there! Clayton’s season was so chaotic and I’m thankful Jesse survived it. This was definitely easier. Ha. I appreciate them all saying that it’s a situation you can truly understand if you’ve been there. And I do love Joan’s approach as well. So far, it’s worked out for her.
Juliana’s Final Date
Juliana and Grant met up with each other on a dock where they could board a catamaran and explore Punta Cana. They sipped champagne as they recapped their time with his family. Grant loved that they both opened up and were able to express their love to each other. He wants someone that he can water but also water him, so they can both grow and that’s what Juliana is excited for. They swam in the beautiful aqua waters of the Dominican Republic and kissed.
That evening, Juliana and Grant talked about their day together. Grant said that he wanted to know if Juliana could be ready for an engagement. Would she say yes to him? Would she break his heart? Juliana said that she would do her best to handle his heart with care. Hmm. Is that a yes or a no? Seems like a maybe? Juliana was a bit vague in her answer. But then, she said that she was ready after all and she wanted to be married to him and be his wife. I guess that was a long-winded way for her to tell him how she felt. Grant said that by expressing their feelings, they could feel safe with each other.
Gina: Juliana’s tell of buying some time to get her words right is when she says, “good question.” Also, I might have screamed “Just say it, Juliana!!!” at the TV. Sorry to my colleagues still in the office with me. What she does say is that she wonders if Grant is having the same conversation with Litia – and one of them is going to have a life-shattering day and one will have the best day. It’s tough. I think the pressure is on everyone right now.
Litia’s Final Date
Grant and Litia went horseback riding together. This was definitely a throwback to Jenn’s season where he should have said, “Girl, you look good on that horse!” I was waiting for it. But, they strode through the trails together down toward the beach and kissed.
They sat and talked about the amazing time they had together. Litia said that she loved being on horses because it makes her feel close to her grandma and that also by being by the ocean she felt close to her dad and she was doing all of that with the man that she loves. Litia said that she loved getting a sneak peek of what it would be like to actually be together by spending time with his family. Grant gave a little speech and it seemed like he was backing off of saying that he loved her. He toasted to their commonalities and differences.
Gina: Grant talking about weathering the storm as they were horseback riding in the rain was very on the nose. Nice job, everyone.
In the evening, Grant visited Litia’s room and hoped to get some answers to some questions and concerns he had about their future together. He wants to have the most clarity he can going into his final decision. Grant decided he needed to talk about her timeline for children again. Litia said that her desire to be a mother comes from her heart, but she’s not pressured by her family. She understands that Grant has things he wants to do before having kids and she wants him to feel ready and happy. More importantly, she wants Grant to feel excited. However, I feel like Grant is looking for her to agree to his longer timeline of like four or five years. I don’t know that he’s going to get that, despite her willingness to say that she will bend. “You are enough, you are so much more than enough, and I love you,” Litia said. She told Grant that she feels like when she says “I love you” or even feels it, she worries that she’s going to lose it. “I loved you way before I told you,” Litia said. Grant looks worried. But, they shared some “I love yous” and kisses and parted ways for the night.
Gina: Just a little observation that when Litia was writing in her journal she was writing to him and at the top of the page it said, “Granty.” Ok, onto the actual important stuff. Grant saying “The love she has to offer is something I need” is quite telling. It feels like, to me, that Grant feels like she is the right choice, that she’s the picture of what he thought he wanted coming into this experience. But is that the right choice? We’re gonna find out soon.
Decision Day
Grant’s dad surprised him at his door to help him talk things out. Grant said that he didn’t know what to do. He’s worried that he’ll pick someone who won’t work out and let go of someone who could. He feels like Litia is stable and will always be there for him, but Juliana is more fun, and he loves them both. His dad said that Grant deserves to be happy and that he knows his son will make the right decision.
Gina: Seeing Grant and his dad bond on this journey might be the best part of the whole season so far for me. They both needed that.
Juliana and Litia were then shown preparing to learn Grant’s decision. Juliana chose a beautiful pink gown, and Litia a gold one. They were both nervous to learn the outcome, to say the least.
Neil Lane helps Grant Pick a Ring
Neil Lane showed off six beautiful engagement rings to Grant. The rings were all in different shapes and colors of gold and platinum. I almost felt like he needed to pick two rings! One for each woman until he made up his mind on one! In the end, Grant was holding one ring and looking at the box. He teared up as he thought about his big decision and the fact that he had to break the heart of someone he loved.
Gina: He keeps saying how it’s not normal to feel so much for both women, but Grant, none of this is normal. Meeting a potential wife on a dating show is not the “usual” way of going about things.
Who Will Grant Choose?
Jesse asked Grant which limo he needed to send to him first. Both women were on their way! Who would get out of the limo first?
Litia Arrives First
Poor Litia arrived first in a dress that she struggled to walk in. It was tight at the bottom and she had to take little tiny steps towards him. Grant told Litia that she looked beautiful and she asked him how he felt and he said nervous. Litia then talked about how she started to fall for him on week two all of the things she appreciated him and how in love she is. She talked about how she wants to give him a family and make a home with him. He needed to stop her. You had to feel awful for her. She apparently couldn’t read his expression or his eyes…Grant said that he has an emotional connection with her and that she is amazing and beautiful. Then he said, “This is hard for me. Litia I love you very much, I want to give you everything that you deserve, but I’m not your person.” OMG. He apologized that they got to that point, but he said his emotional connection was “stronger with someone else.” She asked when it changed, but Grant said it never changed. Grant said, “I hope you don’t view me any differently.” Litia said, “I definitely do, come on now.” She said, “You are different than I thought.”
“Juliana is a beautiful woman and she deserves love and I love her, and I would have a lot of questions if I were her with the things that you said to me, that’s for you guys to work out, that’s your business,” Litia said. Wow she is not letting him off the hook. Litia said that the “switch up” is crazy. Grant then agreed and said he would take responsibility for that. “Tia, I still have love for you, but it came down to the final day and I had to make a decision,” Grant said. She said that she knew he was truly sorry, but she was confused and mad. This is one of the most honest breakups I’ve ever seen on finale day! Wow.
In the limo, she said, “Wow, what a surprise.” She’s understanding that he just loves someone else more, but it hurts. She cried as the limo drove away and said that she hoped she would find love, but it wouldn’t be that day.
Gina: Ooof, that was hard to watch. Litia was so confident going in that she was going to be engaged and I think we all felt her pain when he broke up with her. I think we do have to appreciate all that Litia was feeling and we can also appreciate that Grant took responsibility for making her feel like she was the one. Also, they cannot get a break with the rain!
Litia on the Live Stage
Litia said that she still thinks it doesn’t make sense and watching it back just reminded her of all of that shock. She said that Grant said that it would be them in the end and that they would be getting engaged. She said, “We’re getting engaged tomorrow!” And she said Grant said, “I know, I love you, I love you, I love you.” Wow. Litia said that she definitely loved the parts of Grant that he chose to show her. In watching it back, she has context and that he made the right choice. She thinks that she was honest with what she wanted for the future yet Grant didn’t question it until the final days. Litia said that she never thought that Grant was conflicted on who to choose. At one point after his one-on-one with her, he said, “I could stop the whole show right now because it’s you.” She said that she knew what she signed up for and she even asked him not to promise her things if he might change his mind. “He was always first to raise the stakes of the relationship,” Litia said. She’s right! Litia’s parents were in the audience and she says they helped her heal emotionally and physically as she got food poisoning in the DR.
Gina: Wow is right on all fronts. She did not hold back and you can totally understand why she would feel so stunned by not getting a proposal.
Litia Confronts Grant
Litia questioned how he could say what he said to her the whole time and then break her heart. She asked how he could even say that to her mom. He told her back then that he wouldn’t change his mind. Apparently, on overnights, he said a lot. “Where is the protection, honesty, and maturity that you talked about?” Litia said. Grant said that he accepted responsibility for his actions and that he wanted to apologize for hurting her feelings and hurting the people who love her. Grant said that he was truly sorry. Grant said that he didn’t regret saying that he loved Litia because he wears his heart on his sleeve, but he regrets the mistakes that he made. He was more conflicted than he expected to be. He said that he had spoken too soon. Litia was upset that there was no transparency and that he was conflicted. “I’m excited for this to be the last time that I talk to you about this,” Litia said. She said that she is excited to find someone who chooses her.
Gina: I’m glad that he did take responsibility for leading her on. And who knows? Maybe at some point, he did feel like they were endgame and once Juliana said she loved him, that’s when he got conflicted. I hope that Litia does find the love she is looking for. She deserves it. Will she be The Bachelorette when that show comes back? Or will she step away from this franchise? She has been on social media hanging with some Bachelor Nation alumni, so perhaps she won’t leave altogether. It’ll be interesting to see how it plays out.
Juliana’s Limo Arrives
Juliana walked up to Grant in her beautiful pink, sparkly dress. Grant welcomed her with a bright smile and he kissed her hands. Juliana then gave a speech about how she thought she might not be deserving of true love but he gave her the reason to fight those beliefs. Grant whispered the reassuring words, “It’s ok.” She said she wants to celebrate the good days with him and that she is a safe space for him on the not-so-good days. “The sky is the limit,” she said. Juliana added that she wants to spend the rest of her life with him.
Grant Proposes to Juliana
Grant said that he knows she is his best friend and that he is grateful for their journey. “I’ll be there for you as your man, as your friend, as your partner,” Grant said. “Juliana, will you marry me?” “YES! A million times, yes!” Juliana said. He used the emerald-cut yellow gold ring to propose and she loved it! Grant and Juliana kissed and talked about how amazing everything was and that they could get through anything together. Then, Grant offered Juliana the final rose and she said “Absolutely!” Grant said it was the happiest day of his life!
Gina: Wolf pack forever! This was really sweet and I’m so happy for them.
Grant on the Live Stage
Grant said that proposal day was one of the happiest days of his life. He said he truly led with his heart. He said that Juliana has had his back through his highs and lows and that she is his rock. He also said that her family has been amazing. Grant said the whole process was worth it because he found his life partner.
Juliana Joins Grant on Stage
Juliana looked stunning in a sparkly dark-colored evening gown and she showed off her beautiful Neil Lane engagement ring. Juliana said the moment of being able to reveal their relationship to the public is amazing. She called the whole process a “fever dream” and I get that! They looked incredibly happy together. She said that they have gotten to know each other even more over the past several months. Grant said he loves Juliana’s outlook on life that she has never changed who she is and that she is a solid foundation for him. Juliana said that she gave Grant grace on his final decision and that he experienced what he needed to experience with the women on the show, and in the end he’s sure and so is she of what they have. They all joked about how people speculated that Grant looked upset or sad during the end of “The Women Tell All.” He said he had too many chubby bunnies, if you remember that challenge.
Gina: She has a good outlook on all of the noise. Look, we all know that Bachelor Nation can be very opinionated and judgmental. But only they know what is truly best for them. I know that Litia said she hoped Juliana and Grant talked about everything and I’m sure they did. If I’m being honest, though, I’m wondering if she and Litia had a conversation at all about how proposal day went down.
Juliana’s parents were in the audience and her dad said he was so excited to get their families together. Her dad said that he is so happy to see them happy together. Meantime, Grant’s dad Robert played a huge role in supporting him on this journey. Grant said that his dad and his whole family were instrumental in helping him get to the right place. “This is what it is about!” Robert said.
Gina: Is it wrong to want to be there when these two families finally get to hang out together?
Then, Juliana and Grant announced they would be moving to her hometown of Boston! Jesse revealed that they would be sending Juliana and Grant on a trip to Italy! What an amazing gift! When asked if she’d been there before, Juliana said, “Of course!” Ha!
Gina: Of course they’re going to Italy! Perfect way to cap off this night for them.
Bachelor in Paradise News
Zoe said she loved being a part of the show, but she learned a lot about herself and how strong she is. She said in the future she can’t wait to meet her person and be a good partner to that person. Jesse said that she is very deserving of love, so he invited her to be a part of the cast of “Bachelor in Paradise.” Zoe said that she would love to!
That wasn’t all, there’s a twist! Then, he announced that “The Golden Bachelor’s” Leslie and “The Golden Bachelorette’s” Gary would be joining “Bachelor in Paradise!” Golden cast members will be intermixing with their younger counterparts! Wow! Zoe said she is excited for the beach and hoping to find love. Leslie said that she is excited to continue her journey and the beach is her forte. So how will it work? Stay tuned!
Gina: I can’t believe we have to wait for more details. I am hoping, though, that these two groups will be there and kind of giving each other advice on their connections as they all try to find love on the beach. Is it summer yet??
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