ST. LOUIS — Residents across the St. Louis region may have trouble sleeping Friday night as the year’s first severe storm risk is forecast, according to 5 On Your Side Weather Impact meteorologists.
The storm system is expected to roll into the region between 6 p.m. Friday and Midnight Saturday morning, according to Meteorologist Anthony Slaughter. The timing, coupled with the high chance of multiple strong tornadoes, elevates the storm’s danger.
Tornadoes that touch down at night, also known as “nocturnal tornadoes,” are twice as likely to be deadly as daytime tornadoes, according to a 2022 study published in the Weather, Climate and Society peer-reviewed journal.
The study found that while tornado fatality rates in the U.S. have steadily fallen since 1880, the percentage of all tornado fatalities that occurred between sunset and sunrise over the last 140 years has nearly doubled. Tornado fatalities between midnight and sunrise, specifically, have increased 400% during the same period.
The Weather Channel lists numerous reasons why nocturnal tornadoes have a higher fatality risk than daytime tornadoes, including:
- People are often asleep and do not hear outdoor tornado warnings.
- People are usually at home rather than in more sturdy structures, like places of work or schools.
- Tornadoes are harder to see at night, with lightning usually being the only source of light during nighttime storms.
- Fewer storm spotters are willing to risk storm chasing at night due to the danger.
- Download the free 5 On Your Side app to get the latest watches and warnings and track conditions live with our interactive radar. Use the links below to download now.
- Make sure emergency alerts are enabled on your smartphone.
- Buy a NOAA weather radio, which will loudly sound alerts when a National Weather Service tornado or severe thunderstorm water or warning is issued.
- Register with the St. Louis County Emergency Management Agency for weather and emergency alerts by texting SLCOEM to 78015.
- Download the Federal Emergency Management Agency app and allow it to send emergency pushes.